be subjected to

[bi səbˈdʒektɪd tu]
  • 释义
  • 受;遭受;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Deep in the earth's crust the rock may be subjected to temperatures high enough to melt it.


  • 2、

    Let all theories be subjected to the bright clear light of practice.


  • 3、

    In some delivery systems, NF 3 may be subjected to adiabatic compression.

    在一些传输系统里, NF3可能受到绝热压缩.

  • 4、

    A theory of politics must be subjected to the dual test of reason and experience.


  • 5、

    To move in or be subjected to precession.


  • 6、

    Like any new product entering the chain, genetically modified foods must be subjected to rigorous testing.

    就像任何一种要进入食物链的新食品一样, 转基因食品必须经过严格的检验.

  • 7、

    The above without engagement and all order will be subjected to our writing acceptance.


  • 8、

    No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

    任何人不得加以酷刑,或施以残忍的 、 不人道的或侮辱性的待遇或刑罚.

  • 9、

    Each casting will be subjected to hydrostatic testing after final machining.


  • 10、

    With the increasingly cold weather, the passengers will be subjected to greater suffering.

    随着天气越来越冷, 这些旅客将承受更大痛苦.

  • 11、

    The first Mozartian opera to be subjected to this curious treatment ran dispiritedly for five performances.


  • 12、

    During the rectification movement only a few Party members will be subjected to organizational sanctions.


  • 13、

    Shallow buried seabed pipeline can be subjected to subsidiary stress as a result of the loadfluctuation.


  • 14、

    War after end, sweet was a hero to be subjected to receive of lousy president John.

    战争结束后, 阿甘作为英雄受到了约翰逊总统的接见.

  • 15、

    We in China know too well what it meant to be subjected to subjugation and aggression.


  • 16、

    There's no reason for users to be subjected to dialogs like these.


  • 17、

    Series 757, 757 N be installed under continuous pressure and be subjected to backpressure and back siphonage.

    系列757, 757N可以安装在持续压力应用中,并且可能与反压力和反虹吸相关.

  • 18、

    It'should be subjected to adequate full scale site trial.


  • 19、

    No Hong Kong resident shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful arrest, detention or imprisonment.

      香港居民不受任意或非法逮捕 、 拘留、监禁.

  • 20、

    Tremendous changes in China, a large number of animals and plants be subjected to group drowned.

    在巨大的变化中, 大量的动物和植物类群会因此遭受灭顶之灾.

  • 21、

    Aliens who are unable to pay a fine may be subjected to detention instead.


  • 22、

    If convicted, they may not be subjected to cruel or unusual punishment.

    如果被判有罪, 他们不得受到酷刑或非常惩罚.

  • 23、

    No animal should be killed unnecessarily or be subjected to cruel acts by a human.


  • 24、

    On this test track, the standard production cars will be subjected to rough treatment deliberately.

    在这个试验车道, 标准汽车成品将接受有意的毁坏性测试.

  • 25、

    The 757 DCDA, 757 NDCDA be installed under continuous pressure and be subjected to backpressure and back siphonage.

    系列757DCDA, 757NDCDA可以安装在持续压力应用中,并且可能与反压力和反虹吸相关.

  • 26、

    Missiles and missile system may be subjected to many kinds of jamming in modern wars.


  • 27、

    How to create the consumer to be subjected to most the favorite television advertisement?


  • 28、

    This plan will Be suBjected to approval.


  • 29、

    Caged birds should not be subjected to sudden variations of temperature.

